Welcome to the Le Baby Bun Club. We are a group of women that found hope and healing through the blessing of a child after a loss(es). We will never forget our sweet angels in heaven as we hold fast to our earthly blessings knowing what true miracles they are. Thank you for visting our site. If you have experienced a loss and are in need of support, please visit our messageboard. I would like to extend the invitation to visit the messageboard to all visitors, though there is a section dealing strictly with loss, there are other sections that may be of interest to others (ie. parenting after a loss, parenting, and even a section on web design questions). If you would like to suggest a link or are interested in submitting your own stories of loss and successful pregnancy, you can contact me at lebabyclub@yahoo.com

It is the morning of your life and all of your dreams are just beginning. May you grow up knowing how very much you are loved, and may you forever be surrounded by gracious hearts and people who care. Welcome to the world sweet baby, it's been waiting for you.

~~Flavia Weedn



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Last Updated March 5, 2003 2:07 AM

This site is maintained and copyrighted © by:
Melissa Massey 2003

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